Psychometric Instruments Overview
The Myers-Briggs Company represents a range of leading psychometric instruments that enable individuals, teams and organisations to better understand and enhance their skills and capabilities, thereby transforming performance in areas such as leadership development and executive coaching, team development, communication, organisational change, conflict management, career exploration, recruitment and selection and talent retention.
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These instruments are based on extensive research to ensure their reliability and validity. Some of the instruments are restricted and require that you attend a Certification Program to qualify to use and purchase them.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®
Improve the performance of your people, teams and organisation with the world’s most trusted personality instrument.
Benchmarks® 360 Assessments
Sustain effective organisational leadership through an ongoing assessment, feedback and development process.
EQ-i 2.0® and EQ 360®
Maximise effectiveness with one of the most widely used Emotional Intelligence instruments.
Get the full picture with this comprehensive personality tool.ebilities
Metacognitive Assessment Series
Fast, information rich alternatives to traditional cognitive tests to identify high potential people.FIRO®
Help people understand their individual communication style and improve performance.
Reduce conflict and help your people work together more effectively.CPITM
Develop high-performing individuals and leaders by helping them gain insight into their strengths and skills gaps.Strong Interest Inventory®
Help people find careers that they can be passionate about.
You may also be interested in finding our more about our other instruments:
Work Engagement Profile
Ignite employee engagement with critical intrinsic rewards.
Parker Team Player Survey
Identify team player styles to improve performance.
Translations are available for selected products.
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